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Free Ship & Payment Virtual weight 10

inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

Free Shipping and Payment

The Price is set to 25.00 ... but what makes it Free is that this product has been marked as:
Product is Free: Yes

This would allow the product to be listed with a price, but the actual charge is $0.00

The weight is set to 10 but could be set to 0. What really makes it truely Free Shipping is that it has been marked to be Always Free Shipping.

Always Free shipping is set to: Yes
This will not charge for shipping, but requres a shipping address.

Because there is no shipping and the price is 0, the Zen Cart Free Charge comes up for the payment module and the other payment modules vanish.

You can change the text on the Zen Cart Free Charge module to read as you would prefer.

Note: if you add products that incur a charge or shipping charge, then the Zen Cart Free Charge payment module will vanish and the regular payment modules will show.

  • Artikelnummer: Free1
  • Gewicht: 10kg
  • 998 Stück auf Lager

Dieser Artikel wurde am Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2003 im Shop aufgenommen.

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